Every mom's nightmare...When their kids grow up too fast and are no longer their baby. Madison turned seven this year and I have to admit, I'm a bit freaked out. I've raised both of my kids to be independent and now I feel a bit of regret in doing so. I know I've done well in raising them that way, but the selfish part of me wishes they were a bit more dependent on me. Luckily Madison has SO much hair (and quite honestly it's usually a crazy mess), so I am still in charge of combing and curling it. And though I am no longer needed to pick out what she wears, I am given responsibility of ironing it. :(
She was super excited for her birthday party. That morning, all I heard was: "How many more hours 'till we leave? Is my glitter still on? When do I get my skates? Is my hair still curled?"
Everything turned out great and went smoothly which is always a struggle when having a party. She got lots of Bratz dolls and a few Littlest Pet Shop pets which brings her collection to about 153! She also got a huge Pet Center from her Auntie Lynn. We saw this at the store and she took a picture of it with my camera phone and sent it to Auntie so she was sure to know exactly what she wanted! Auntie Lynn has a reputation of getting the 'best' presents so she wasn't about to risk her reputation by not getting it.
Madison, Kalyla, Amber, and Aloa.
My neice Aaliyah (left), Madison, Aloa and

Madison is still very shy. When we all sang 'Happy Birthday' to her she turned her head toward me and tucked in her bottom lip which is always an indication that she is uncomfortable with the attention fixated on her.
It was a nice having the party at Skate City because I didn't have to worry about cooking, cleaning or making sure things were in order. And, of course, Madison loved it because she got a brand new pair of white and pink skates for having the party there.