Little Tommy is so incredibly adorable! He was so comfy in my belly that he slept thru most of the ultrasound. It was such a blessing to get to see him in this type of ultrasound. It's as if you could pick him up and hold him. My sister was awsome enough to get this for us for Christmas (a little early). The above picture is of him sucking his thumb. During the ultrasound, he sucked his thumb, smiled, blinked, squirmed and even snarled at us for moving him around. We were trying to wake him up and get him to move so we could get a full face shot. He didn't cooperate. The picture below is the best we got of his face. We have the entire hour long session on DVD! We were surprised how much he looked like his big brother Andrew. Yes, it was that clear!

The picture above is his little fist against his chin.

The doctor wasn't quick enough with the print button so this is him just after he smiled. His heartbeat was 150 bpm and his estimated weight is 2 lbs 4 oz. I cannot fully describe how amazing and wonderful it was to see him in my belly and with such clarity. I can't wait to meet the little guy!