I can't believe how fast eight months went by! Tommy is at that age where his personality is starting to come out and he is learning new things constantly. He absolutely LOVES people. Everywhere we go, he is constantly trying to grab people's attention- which isn't hard with a face like that! I know, every mom thinks their kid is adorable and I'm guilty of it as well :)

Tommy is very curious and is always trying to figure things out. I love how at this age you can actually tell when the "light turns on" and they have learned something new.
Stage 2 foods
Started a sippy cup, though not very successful yet :)
Plays Peek-a-Boo
Loves fries, biter biscuits and twizzlers
Gets excited when he sees us
Loves to torture the cat
Weighs 21 lbs 11oz. (60%)
30 3/4 in. long (97%)
18 1/2 in. head (92%)
Has two teeth on bottom

Still has his big blue eyes, which I'm hoping he keeps, but Andrew and Madison's eyes changed at around 3 years old. He had his flu shot and the H1N1 shot about 2 weeks ago. As always, he cried for about 5 seconds and was fine. Still breaks my heart though. He was a bit fussy the next day but other than that, he didn't have any side effects to the shot, thank God!
Until next time, have a great month!
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