I am an AWFUL blogger, lol! I should be better about posting updates and pics of the kids for all of our family that is out of state but with working more hours and all the kid's activities our blog suffers :( Sorry in-laws :)
The picture below captures Tommy's little personality so well. He is such a character! He will be the kid I worry about when he gets to school because he will be the class clown. He has to have everyone's attention and is such a goof ball! My sister took this picture while we were out to lunch at Old Chicago's. A few days later I went out to eat Pho with a bunch of friends from work and once again had all eyes on him. Every waiter stopped by several times to pay him a visit. He sure knows how to ham it up, eh?
He still isn't walking but will hold on to just about anything to walk around the house.
strolls religiously, lol
loves little gem chocolate doughnuts
waves to everyone
is very attached to his big brother
gets into EVERYTHING, especially my movies
has 14 teeth, including 4 molars
torments my poor cat
torments my poor cat
is a HUGE flirt
Madison just finished up her first season of soccer. She's been in everything from dance to basketball and I think she finally found something she really enjoys. She had a really great season. She came close to scoring about 6 times but for one reason or another, didn't. I was very proud at the effort she put in. She was recently in two plays. One was a Pirate play which she played a prisoner (pic below). The other was a short 3 Little Pigs play where she was the mother. It was so cute! The choir at her school does such a great job, I always enjoy their performances.
My sweet Andrew is getting so big! He is wrapping up his second round of basketball this weekend and will be starting football soon. He plays rec basketball and then a few months of Jam basketball which is a competitive league. He LOVES playing. Most days he goes to the rec and will shoot around or play a pick up game.

I am so proud of him with school. He has been in the honor roll all year and was recently accepted into Honor Society. He hopes to finish off the year with straight A's. He's had 1 B every semester and is so close to his goal. As of Friday he has all A's and one B in his Honor's Math class but it's an 88% and just re-took a test so he could hopefully get those extra points he needs to get an A. I admire his hard work and determination.
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