Tommy turned five weeks old today! He had his first well baby check up and is already growing like crazy. He went from 8 lbs. 0 oz. and 21 inches long at birth to 10 lbs. 11 oz. and 23 1/2 inches long. He is in the 75 percentile for weight and above the 98 percentile for height! He is only in the 50 percentile for his head circumferance as opposed to my daughter Madison who was in the 98 percentile! I was so worried she wasn't going to grow into that head but thank God she did! He is such a good baby. He only wakes up at 4 a.m. to eat and sleeps the rest of the night. He rarely cries. Even today when he got his Hep B shot, he cried for literally 3 seconds and then stopped and fell asleep. He is staying awake for longer periods of time but pretty much eats and sleeps most of the day. No cooing or cute baby noises out of him, he prefers to grunt and groan like a little monster :) . His pictures are in black and white due to his baby acne... he's embarrassed.

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